Pets Need Skin Care Too!

Thentix A Touch of Honey Skin Conditioner

Skin iritations, scratching, itching, insect bites and more … your pets need skin care just like their best (human) friends! Thentix A Touch of Honey is useful in the traetment of a wide variety of dry skin conditions. Try Thentix on your pet’s:

– Flea and Insect Bites

– Sunburn

– Dry, flaky Skin

– Cuts and Scratches

– Allergic Rashes

– Hair Loss Problems

– Soft Pad Abrasions

Thentix is popular with the equine crowd; use Thentix on your horses’ insect bites and sunburned noses.  Cattle farmers trust Thentix as an utter cream.

If you love your pets, you’ll love Thentix!

Bruce Fleischer
Shopify Admin

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